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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-25 00:00:00 | 浏览量:729098




人们经常会问我们“ORTHOS”是指什么。事实上,有许多不同的定义,流通,与希腊字“骨科”,但我们倾向于回答^多的是“正直的” - 这句话^能形容的商业原则的基础。

作为一个制造商的代理经营,从一开始的ORTHOS提供的心脏像你这样的工业生产过程的工艺设备。两个ORTHOS^早的校长Alexanderwerk AG和古斯塔夫·爱立许机械制造GMBH&CO KG(又名“爱立许),我们可以自豪地说,这两个伴随我们到今天。

由于过程工业已经改变了,所以有公司。我们不断检讨我们的产品范围,以确保我们提供^相关的资本设备粉体加工。因此,无论您的需求,无论是新设备,二手设备,或只是建议,你可以叫上我们讨论下一个流程改进 - 这是我们的业务,以帮助你。




爱立许设计和制造的强度非常高锅搅拌机 - 混凝土与水泥,陶瓷及玻璃行业的主力,化学品废物处理。从1到12,000升的照顾能力,爱立许的原则,可以用于附聚,涂料,干燥,制粒,和混合。无论您需要什么,无论是新产品开发,中试,规模化生产,你可以找到它在ORTHOS。

Orthos (Engineering) Ltd was incorporated as a limited company by the late Dr. Rettig in 1956.  Some years later the company was relocated from Newcastle to the more central location of Market Harborough in Leicestershire, where we have remained ever since.

People often ask us what the word “Orthos” means.  In truth there are many different definitions in circulation, most linked to the Greek word “Ortho” but the one we tend to answer with most is “straight and upstanding” – since these words best describe the foundation principles of the business.

From the outset Orthos has operated as a manufacturer’s agent, supplying process equipment at the heart of industrial processes like yours.  Two of Orthos’ earliest principals were Alexanderwerk AG and Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG (aka ‘Eirich‘) both of which, we’re proud to say, remain with us to this day.

As the process industries have changed, so has the company.  We are constantly reviewing our product range to ensure that we’re offering the most relevant capital equipment for powder processing.  So whatever your need, whether it’s new equipment, used equipment, or just advice, you can call on us to discuss your next process improvement – it’s our business to help you.

Links to our principals’ websites

Orthos is a member of SHAPA, the UK’s leading specialist association for the solids handling and processing industry formed in 1981.

Agglomeration, Drying, Mixing, Pelletisation: Eirich Pan Mixers

Eirich design and manufacture very high intensity pan mixers – the workhorse of industries from concrete & cement to ceramics & glass, chemicals to waste treatments.  Catering for capacities from 1 to 12,000 litres, the Eirich principle can be used for agglomerating, coating, drying, granulating, and mixing.  Whatever your need, whether it’s new product development, pilot scale, or large-scale production, you can find it at Orthos.


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